Features. Attention: Script significantly changes the desktop. Attention: Not compatible with Ubuntu Netbook Edition. Attention: The Global Menu does not current work correctly for all applications. This is a known issue. Paw-OSX and Paw-Ubuntu Plymouth themes.
Macbuntu sound theme. Macbuntu GTK theme based on GTK Leopard. Macbuntu-Icons based on Mac4Lin and Faenza Icons.
Macbuntu-Cursors based on Shere Khan X. Mac OS X backgrounds and fonts. Compiz Extras, Global Menu, Docky, Ubuntu-Tweak. Preconf for login screen, metacity, compiz, window theme, backgrounds, cursors, icons, docky and top panel.
SABnzbd features:. You can access it from anywhere with a web browser. A responsive web interface. Multiple Usetnet servers (providers) are supported. Mobile apps are available for Android and iOS.
Apps like Sonarr, Sickrage, CouchPotato and Headphones can integrate with SABnzbd and automate your download process. SABnzbd can also read and process RSS feeds, activate custom scripts and notify you via mail, growl, prowl, pushover and pushbullet. NZB indexer integration. And many more How to Install SABnzbd Usenet Client on Ubuntu 16.04/17.04 SABnzbd is available from the default Ubuntu repository. So you can open up a terminal and install it with apt. Sudo apt install sabnzbdplus SABnzbd is being actively developed. If you want to install the latest stable version (2.0.0 at the time of this writting), then run the following commands in a terminal window to add an unofficial SABnzbd PPA, then update package index and install it.
Sudo add-apt-repository ppa:jcfp/nobetas sudo apt update sudo apt install sabnzbdplus. How to Start SABnzbd on Ubuntu Once installed, start SABnzbd from Unity Dash or your preferred app launcher. You can also start SABnzbd from command line.d (-daemon) option makes it run in the background. Sabnzbdplus -d If SABnzbd is installed on a headless Ubuntu server, then you can add -browser 0 option to disable automatically launching browser. Sabnzbdplus -d -browser 0 By default, SABnzbd listens on port 8080. If another process is using port 8080, then you can use the -s (-server) option to specify a different port for SABnzbd like so. Sabnzbdplus -d -s -browser 0 The quick start wizard will be opened in your web browser.
You can also enter localhost:8080/sabnzbd/wizard in any web browser to see the quick start wizard. Select a language.
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In the next screen, enter the server details of your Usenet provider. I use, which offers 14 days free trial. These server details can be obtained from your Usenet provider. If your Usenet supports SSL, make sure to check SSL. In order to download content (image, audio, video, e-book, etc.) from Usenet, you need to feed a NZB file to SABnzbd. NZB file, which is similar to.torrent file, can be download from Usenet index sites like.
Most of these sites are based on a freemium model. You have the option to, but now for a Usetnet beginner it’s a good idea to register free accounts with these Usenet index sites to see what’s available to you.
Auto start SABnzbd on Ubuntu To enable auto start, we can create a systemd service for SABnzbd. Sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/sabnzbd.service Put the following text into the file. Unit Description=SABnzbd Usenet Client After=network.target Service Type=simple User=sabnzbd Group=sabnzbd ExecStart=/usr/bin/python -OO /usr/bin/sabnzbdplus -browser 0 & ExecStop=/usr/bin/pkill sabnzbdplus Restart=always SyslogIdentifier=SABnzbd Usenet Client Install WantedBy=multi-user.target Save and close the file.
Then reload systemd. Sudo systemctl daemon-reload Note that it’s recommended not to run sabnzbd as root, so we’ve specified in the service file that sabnzbd should run as the sabnzbd user and group, which have no root privileges.
Create the sabnzbd system user and group. Sudo adduser -system -home /home/sabnzbd sabnzbd sudo addgroup -system sabnzbd Add the sabnzbd user to the sabnzbd group. Sudo adduser sabnzbd sabnzbd Next, Stop the current sabnzbd process. Pkill sabnzbdplus Use the systemd service to start sabnzbd.
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Sudo systemctl start sabnzbd Enable auto start at boot time. Sudo systemctl enable sabnzbd Now check sabnzbd status. Sabnzbd.your-domain.com Setting up Apache Reverse Proxy If you use Apache web server rather than Nginx, then follow the instructions below to set up reverse proxy. Install Apache web server. Sudo apt install apache2 To use Apache as a reverse proxy, we need to enable the proxy modules and we will also enable the rewritemodule. Sudo a2enmod proxy proxyhttp rewrite Then create a virtual host file for SABnzbd. Sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/sabnzbd.conf Put the following texts into the file.
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Replace sabnzbd.your-domain.com with your actual domain name and don’t forget to set an A record for it. ServerName sabnzbd.your-domain.com ProxyPass / ProxyPassReverse / Save and close the file. Then enable this virtual host. Sudo a2ensite sabnzbd.conf Reload Apache for the changes to take effect. Sudo systemctl reload apache2 Now you can remotely access SABnzbd by entering the domain name ( sabnzbd.your-domain.com ) in browser address bar.
If SABnzbd is accessible from public Internet, then it’s very important to set a username and password, which can be done in settings General Security section. I hope this tutorial helped you install SABnzbd on Ubuntu 16.04/17.04.